Cost of Care Tipsheet


$0.41: One Wee Pee sized diaper, for neonates weighing less than 800 grams. ($150.48/1 case, case=360 diapers)


$0.50: One Preemie sized diaper, for neonates weighing up to 4 pounds.


$1.08: One Size 1 blood pressure cuff for the smallest children in our care.


$4.00: One baby blanket in the Neonatal and Infant Critical Care Unit.


$60.00: The cost to CHLA if we were to purchase one unit of blood from a community blood bank.


$100: One guitar or keyboard for the Music Therapy Program


$500: One fetal heart monitor, which monitors the condition of a baby’s heart as it grows inside of the mother.


$1,000: One pulsoximeter, which measures the oxygen saturation in the blood. This is important to keep track of and dramatic drops in blood oxygen levels can be catastrophic.


$1,500: Three sets of exercise mats, medicine balls, bolsters and other rehabilitative equipment, which help children re-learn movements after a serious trauma or illness.


$2,000: Two fetal heart monitors, which monitor the condition of a baby’s heart as it grows inside of the mother.


$2,500: The cost of translating and printing one therapeutic book from our Literally Healing bibliotherapy program into Spanish.


$3,500: Five electroanalgesic transcutaneous nerve stimulators, which can help mediate pain in children suffering from chronic conditions or post-surgical rehabilitation.


$5,000: Three pediatric wheelchairs, specially made in many different sizes for kids of all sizes and abilities.


$6,500:  One medical grade swinging light for pediatric trauma room. Lighting is critical to determining and treating a trauma, and the light is one of the most critical features of a trauma room.


$8,500: Two ventilators, which assist children who cannot breathe on their own.


$10,000:  One critical care crib, specially designed for children in critical care to limit movement in order to keep infants and toddlers safe while allowing comfort and access for medical equipment.


$11,500:  One cardiac defibrillator, which sends electricity through the heart to jump start its functioning. This is a critical piece of equipment in trauma rooms and in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit.


$13,500: Three hydrotherapy tanks for CHLA’s rehabilitation unit. Hydrotherapy tanks are not only important to children suffering from burn injuries, but also help children who are undergoing intensive physical therapy. In a hydrotherapy tank, you only carry 50% of your body weight so physical therapy can be done more gradually.


$15,000: Two bedside monitors, which checks all vital signs, including a child’s heart rate, oxygenation, and respiration.


$17,000: One MRI scan, which can be the crucial first step in determining a child’s illness or diagnosis. An MRI of the brain and brainstem can find tumors and other abnormalities.


$20,000: Two critical care cribs, specially designed for children in critical care to limit movement in order to keep infants and toddlers safe while allowing comfort and access for medical equipment.


$22,500: Two cardiac defibrillators, which send electricity through the heart to jump start its functioning. This is critical equipment in trauma rooms and in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit.


$25,000: Four full body hydrotherapy tanks with body lifts for CHLA’s rehabilitation unit. Hydrotherapy tanks are not only important to children suffering from burn injuries, but also help children who are undergoing intensive physical therapy. In a hydrotherapy tank, you only carry 50% of your body weight so physical therapy can be done more gradually.


$27,500: Two dialysis units, used to help children who are suffering from kidney disease. Many children are put on dialysis treatments in anticipation for a kidney transplant.


$30,000: Three critical care cribs, specially designed for children in critical care to limit movement in order to keep infants and toddlers safe while allowing comfort and access for medical equipment.


$33,000: Two MRI scans, which can be the crucial first step in determining a child’s illness or diagnosis. An MRI of the brain and brainstem can find tumors and other abnormalities.


$36,500:  10 weeks worth of books to help kids cope with their illnesses through the Literally Healing program, a multi-faceted therapeutic program that uses books to speak to children in a language they can understand - on their level.  Carefully screened books are placed in a Therapeutic Library and are provided free-of-charge to patients


$40,000: Three hematology analyzers, which can help diagnose a range of blood cancers and disorders. This first stage equipment can be critical in detecting anomalies early, while also providing a means of constant monitoring of blood and platelet counts, which are critical to children suffering from blood disorders (such as leukemia).


$44,000: An art therapist for one year to facilitate children in expressing themselves and coping with a hospital experience through music or art. At CHLA, we not only use needles, pills, and bandages to help patients heal, but also paint, clay, instruments, and rhymes.  The Mark Taper-Johnny Mercer Artists Program brings a wide array of arts experiences to critically and chronically ill children, teens, and families.


$48,000: One transportable infant incubator, which are critical to our Emergency Transport Team. This piece of equipment not only maintains the optimal conditions for critically ill infants, but it easily transportable for children that need to be transported to CHLA for their care.


$52,000: The cost to CHLA for one week’s worth of critically-needed blood supply if purchased from a community blood bank.


$52,000: A Child Life Specialist to aid in therapeutic play for one year. Child Life Specialists help meet the social and emotional needs of children and their families while they are in the hospital. They can alleviate fears and help kids cope with a multitude of feelings during their stay.


$56,000: One Giraffe OmniBed, which combines the most advanced in infant incubator technology with the latest radiant warmer. A premature baby in our Neonatal and Infant Critical Care Unit is placed in an incubator to provide maximum control of their environment. During treatment or assessment however they are placed on radiant warmers so that medical staff can have maximum access to the baby any yet still have a heat source from the radiant heat.


$60,000:  Five cardiac defibrillators which send electricity through the heart to jump start its functioning. This is critical equipment in trauma rooms and in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit.


$66,000: Medical grade overhead and swinging surgical lights for two operating rooms. Lighting is critical to the proper treatment of a child, especially in the OR setting, where the smallest details and intricacies can be the difference between life and death.


$73,000: One year of cancer treatment for a child. Cancer treatment in the form of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is also coupled with palliative (pain management) care and other forms of coping for children undergoing this intensive treatment.


$80,000:  One life-saving ECMO machine (extra corporeal membrane oxygenator) treatment for one child at CHLA’s NICCU or CTICU. The ECMO machine treatment turns a high likelyhood of mortality (80%) to a huge shot at survival (80% survival rate) for children suffering from failing lungs or heart.


$270,000: Ultrasound Machine.


$1,300,000: One CT Scanner.


$1,750,000: Support for the Emergency Transport Team for an entire year. Unlike many other adult and pediatric hospitals, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles has a dedicated 14-member team of pediatric specialists as a part of the Emergency Transport Team. In addition to the many children CHLA transports in each year, CHLA also provides emergency transport services for other local hospitals without this crucial resource.


$1,850,000: These funds can provide 8 children with Bone Marrow Transplants to treat sickle cell anemia or leukemia, the most common form of childhood pediatric cancer.


$2,000,000: One new cardiac bi-plane x-ray machine for the cardiothoracic intensive care unit.